Need help in process with Queues

Hi Everyone,

I need small help with my process whether i can do that process with queues or not.
My scenario is : i have a excel sheet in that i have shipped item details But here i may have multiple records with Same " Order No" . When i create a ID for 1 item in SAP. I’m adding all my matching rows data like this

ID123660 8 5-30-23 $12 Shipped
ID123660 3 5-30-23 $15 Shipped
ID123660 5 5-30-23 $15 Shipped

I don’t need create ID for next record because as i have added all these items in comments. Can anyone tell me should i use Queues for this process or not. If i use Queues means what is the procedure i need to follow for this.

My sample excel below

TestSampleExcel.xlsx (10.1 KB)

@Learner007 Yes You can use Queue Items becasue its good approach. Before creating ID you can check whether it is present not. If it is not present then you can create first then you can add data.

Hi @raja.arslankhan How to eliminate duplicates. It will upload all data from Excel. Now how can i check that before processed Queue " Order no " is same with Current Queue.
Again if i crosscheck in SAP it will be extra work and consumes time. Is there any better way to check this.

@Learner007 Ok then you can go simply read range data and after group by over ID you can go row by row with custom logic.

Hi @raja.arslankhan Just small doubt which you have said like i need to group my excel data based on ID and upload into Queues and When it is processing the Queue i need to look into Excel and get all the rows which are same ID. Is this correct or any other you are suggesting.

Read All Data and run Linq Query and get all data against one ID and then add data in Queue as a Collection

If possible can you share me the LINQ query

Try this one and confirm:

this code splits dt(DataTable) into DataTable Array by type Column.
dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r(“type”), Function(r) r).
Select(Function(r) r.ToArray.CopyToDataTable).

Is this error from my machine