Need help in Cron expression

Hi All,
Please anyone help to get the Cron expression to schedule an automation - 3 Business days before end of month?

I have this cron expression to schedule 3 days before end of month -
0 0 18 L-3 * ? *
but I need it before 3 business days before end of month

Hi @SruthiK

0 0 0 L-3 * ?

Hope it helps!!

Hi @SruthiK

Check the below thread.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @SruthiK

please find the below cron expression for 3 days before end of the month.

0 0 0 L-3 * ? *

Hope it helps!!!

I need this specifically 3 business days and not just 3 days including weekends

For that you can follow these below steps,

In addition, when scheduling in Orchestrator, be sure to check the ‘Apply non-working days restrictions’. To set the non-working days, go to settings → non-working days and select weekends.

have a look at this tool:

and get a more close understanding of the concept of crons, as it has not a concept of calculations special formulas

we would recommend to recheck the requirements if also public holidays has to be handled.


Check the below thread,It might helps you