I am looking for a Corn expression which will help me to schedule the bot on 3 days before of Month’s last week Friday.
I have written an expression which is fetching the last week Friday but not sure how to set it 3 days before. Can you any please help me…My expression of last week friday is below scheduled at 6 PM. But I need to schedule 3 days before…Please help
I am looking it will check the last friday of that month and and then 3 days before I want to schedule.
For example month of Jan’ 23 last Friday is 27th and 3 days before that is 24th Jan, that I am looking for.
This will be applicable for the every month. with the following cron expression I am getting the last Friday of the month but not getting how to get 3 days before.
0 0 18 ? * 6L
Again thanks for your reply. If you help me out here, then it will be great.
This is tough. The expression I generated doesn’t satisfy all the scenarios. If you don’t find a solution, as a workaround, you can generating the next run date-time and schedule the robot’s next run using Orchestrator APIs.
No, because the last Tuesday of the month can be after the last Friday, e.g.:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Supposed day is the 23rd, but your suggestion would give 30th.
I have a similar problem. My town collects the recyclable trash on the last friday of every month. So I have to prepare and put it outside on the evening before the last friday of the month. I cannot set up a reminder for it in any software I know of, because this kind of logic is not available. Setting a reminder for the last Thursday works most the time, but 1 out of 7 it is 1 week too late, whenever Thursdya is the last day of the month.
When someone needs schedule for 3 days before last given day of the week, such schedule would be off 3/7th of the time.