Hi everyone, does anybody help me?
I try to schedule a bot the last two business days of ever month, how can I do that with a CRON expression?
Hi @marquezd
Try the below cron expression, The below one work for last 2 days but there is no expression for last two working days.
0 0 0 L-2 * ? *
Below for last working day
0 0 0 LW * ? *
Hope it helps!!
It is not within the nature of a cron
For RnD / Playing
Yes, I tried with 0 0 0 L-2 * ? * but some days it will run on Saturdays but tnks a lot
Yes it will on weekends too if the the two days of month comes in weekends.
There is no cron expression for last two working days.
Hope you understand!!
You cannot do with cron…instead achedule it for last 4 days using cron…and in process include a logic to check if the current run date is part of last two working days …if yes run…else just stop and do not proceed
Tnks I will add to my WF I think its a good solution. Tnks a lot everyone
As there a several options to handle this scenario pick up the most preferred one:
- Bot/Process is deciding if running or stop-waiting
- automated Scheduler update by using ORC REST API
- Starter Queue Item
just to mention a few.
The ratings of the approach ranges from Bot allocation, unneeded idle time, skillset fitting etc
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