Need data that are present in a sentence which are available in parentheses

Hi All,

I am struggling in getting values in a sentence…please help me in finding out…

Input : UiPath is (RPA tool) And (used for large scale end to end automation) And it provides( solution for businesses)

Output :(RPA tool)
(used for large scale end to end automation)
(solution for businesses)

Thanks in advance…

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we can use Regex

Assign Activity:
arrValues | DataType: String Array =
Regex.Matches(strText, "\([\s\S]+?\)").Cast(Of Match).Select(Function (m) m.Value).toArray


Do not miss to import:

[CheatSheet] - System.Text.RegularExpressions | RegEx - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

Hi @Bhanu123 , Below regex will also extract the required data


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