Need Config.xlsx for Academy Advanced Developer_REFframework Practise #1

Hi friends! Have a simple request: I am attempting the practise 1 of the Academy Advanced Developer REFramework walkthrough UiDemo. If you had completed this practise, kindly share your Config.xlsx in the Data Folder. I would like to check against mine for any missing or incomplete for the ‘Settings’, ‘Constants’ and ‘Assets’ tab. I tried searching the community for similar request but unable to find it. Hence, I started this new topic. Apology if someone had already shared the correct Config.xlsx and I missed it. Thank you!

Hi CKD! Do you still need help with this?

Hi Rikard, I would be interested in viewing the comparison if you are willing? It would be greatly appreciated.

Config.xlsx (20.5 KB)

No problemo! This is how mine looked when I did it a couple of months ago :slight_smile:

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