Nathan L. Majors is the word how do i search with regex
i want to do it with regex
patten Please do the needful
Nathan L. Majors is the word how do i search with regex
i want to do it with regex
patten Please do the needful
Hi @T_Y_Raju ,
Can you share input and expect output?
Try this!
however it would vary depending upon the entire input string ,So if possible please share the overall input
or use assign activity
system.text.regularexpressions.regex.ismatch(yourstring,“Nathan L. Majors”)
it should check for contains any word of the name
you can try like this
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(“Nathan L. Majors”,“Nathan”)
it will give the true as out put
gives you the true or false
this for exact match or for contains
[quote=“Shiva_Nikhil, post:6, topic:574724”]
how do i take this expresion
Would you please elaborate on where exaclty you are matching the string (Nathan L. Majors)?
assign activity
can you explain which text you want to match in that entire text
Hi @T_Y_Raju
Use this Regex Expression in Find Matching Patterns activity:
Use this syntax in assign acitivty:
This will return the single value.
Hope it helps!!
@T_Y_Raju it will match the string
then use string.contains(“Nathan L. Majors”)