A developer is building an automation for a rental car company. The company defined the steps as:
- Get emails from the company-wide Reservations Microsoft Outlook Inbox account
- Extract data from the current email and add it to the queue
- Login to the rental car company’s desktop application
- Navigate to the Rental Requests section
- For each Queue Item:
a. Navigate to the Reservations section from the Rental Requests section b. Add the booking details into the Reservations section c. Close the current reservation - Log out and close the company’s application
The developer decides to use the Dispatcher/Performer model for the automation. Which steps will be included in the Dispatcher process?
A. 1 - 2
B. 1 - 4
C. 3 - 4
D. 3 - 6
During the development of a process, a certain label text must be retrieved. After retrieving the text, a button must be clicked and the following occurs:
- The loading of the label text element takes longer than 30 seconds.
- The loading of the button takes longer than 30 seconds.
- The retrieving of the data or clicking the button must be tried until successful.
Based on UiPath best practices, what must the developer use to ensure that an error is thrown if the label text or the button element does not load?
A. Use the Get Text activity with the default timeout and set the ContinueOnError property to “True”.
Use the Click activity in the Retry Scope activity.
B. Use the Get Text activity with the default properties in a Retry Scope activity.
Use the Click activity with the default properties in a Retry Scope activity.
C. Modify the Get Text activity by increasing the timeout property.
Use the Click activity to click the button with the default settings.
D. Use the Get Text activity with the default timeout and set the WaitForReady property to “None” in a Retry Scope activity.
Modify the Click activity by increasing the timeout property and set the ContinueOnError property to “True”.
A developer creates a Performer process using the Robotic Enterprise (RE) Framework template in UiPath Studio version 2021.10. The process is published to an Orchestrator folder called FolderA and a job is created in Orchestrator from the package. The value of the “OrchestratorQueueName” setting in Config.xlsx is TestQueue and the value of “OrchestratorQueueFolder" is FolderA. In Orchestrator’s FolderA, the defined queues are: QueueA, QueueB, QueueC.
The developer runs the job from Orchestrator with the following argument values: in_OrchestratorQueueName = “QueueB” in_OrchestratorQueueFolder = empty value
What is the behavior at runtime?
A. The robot consumes QueueB
B. An exception is thrown in the Get Transaction Data state
C. The robot consumes QueueA
D. The robot consumes TestQueue