Multiple pages in data scraping

Hi everybody!

I’m trying to write on a xls file all the rows in this table (- - il fatturato delle aziende Italiane).

Unfortunately, my data scraping tool does not move to the next page, and I can get only rows from the homepage.
I already tried with a page counter and en element exists in a do while loop as suggested in a similar topic, but it still doesn’t work.

Thank you for you time!

please show us your next selector

Hi @attarus ,

In Attach browser change the htmlwindow and title to .
"html app=‘chrome.exe’ htmlwindowname='
’ title=‘*’ / "

And in NextLink Selector “webctrl parentid=‘_*’ tag=‘I’ /”

Parentid is containing some random dynamic values. That’s why it is not going to the next page in your workflow.

Attached workflow for your reference

ExcelScrap.xaml (9.4 KB)


I crosschecked. we can discrete identify the button by the >>
next selector could look like:
<webctrl tag='I' class='fas fa-angle-double-right' />

give a try


each table on each side has a small dynamic part.
So change the extract Structured Data selector as well to:
keep here the parent selector , remove window specifics
<html app='firefox.exe' title='Industrie Tessili - - il fatturato delle aziend*' />
change Child selector to
<webctrl id='table-company*' tag='TABLE' />

it was paging at my end


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