Hi. i have this webpage with a table and multiple download buttons
these buttons don’t have a hyperlink, the only thing that changes between them is an ID
i alredy tried many ways with data scraping, find children but with no luck.
anyone has an ideia of what can i do?
@alexenvel What are you trying to accomplish?
i want to click in each download button until the end of the table
There has to be a similarity for each of the download objects.
Is this a web based application?
Does the item count on each page always stay the same?
Do the Next Page arrows stay green until the last page of the table?
this is a web application. the button have the selector:
webctrl id=‘form:j_id174:listaNotas:0:bt_download’ tag=‘INPUT’
only changing the 0 to 1, 2 , 3 to each item. The arrow stay green until the last page.
Try something like the below…
Make sure to set the 0 found in webctrl id=‘form:j_id174:listaNotas:0:bt_download’ tag=‘INPUT’ to the variable count… (How to use variables in selectors in Studio (dynamic selectors) without string manipulation!)
You will need to add a condition for the last page as your last page will most likely not have table count of 10
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That worked. Thank you very much
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