Multi Bot Architecture

Hi all,
I am confused about how to design multi bot project. Should design it using database or should i use Queue.
What are the advantages of using SQL data or Queue?


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Hey @afsaneh_keivani

Of course it’s queue.

Queue has all the required user friendly functioning for you

Where as using SQL also accepted but you should be doing a lot of work for setup.


Hi Nithinkrishna,
Thank you for your reply.

Would you please explain a little more ?


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Hey @afsaneh_keivani

When you use queue, after fetching a new item the status goes into pending which makes the other bot pick next new item instead of working on the same item.

But in case of DB the above things is unavailable, you may need to perform the logic yourself which is an unnecessary overhead.

This is just one example, hope you got it.

There are many other points like this.


Thank you very much I got it.

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Cool @afsaneh_keivani :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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