MS Edge restore pop up is closing when I run robot from Studio, but when I run it from Orchestrator, it's not working

since I am using Kill Process at the begining of my automation process, later once the process opens again MS Edge, a Restore Pages pop-up will appear. I am not able to disable that, so I have added a “Element appears” → click activity to close it (on X).
When I run the process from Studio, it’s working fine. It clicks on X and closes it. But, when I run it from Orchestrator, it doesn’t work.
Did anyone have any similar issues and if so, how did you resolve it?

Thank you in advance,


HI @Marijana

In the click activity → properties → Enable the Simulated click option


Hi, I tried that also, but still it’s working only through Studio, but not through Orchestrator.


Have you tried with Click image activity?

Have you publish the new package after modification?

What is version of the Orchestrator?

Have you check that rest of all the activity are working?



forgot to publish the changes, my mistake.
It’s working now. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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