ML skill: Zip File is missing or invalid


I was trying to upload a custom ML model in AI fabric. The package got validated successfully and was uploaded.
When when i tried creating an ML skill, I got the following error: Zip File is missing or invalid.

Has anyone has faced this issue before? Please pour in your thoughts on this

Thanks in Advance

Hi @Santa_Krish

Sounds weird could you please post full error here ?


Description: MLSkill MLSkill name MLPackage v#1 Deployment Failed

This was the error: /tmpModelManagement/69c0bafa-3a65-4968-a304-c21465b97e5d/0664a269-6f56-4cb5-9400-08767ab3e0e1/537aec37-3590-437f-9c5a-6acf48acf994/167db105-27be-4948-ad3e-83b6266bb630/36e436ab-9171-4071-aa99-4d8dc4127ef1/ Zip File is missing or invalid

@Jeremy_Tederry Let me know if you need any additional details.

Thank you

We checked on our end and it looks like we have some issue unziping your file (not sure yet why this happend only at deployment step). Would it be possible to:

  • know what method/tool you are using to zip your file?
  • provide your ML Package? If you need to remove some stuffs in it first of course it’s not a problem as long as we can reproduce your issue.


@Jeremy_Tederry Thank you for looking into it. I had removed special characters in the ML package name and somehow the zip issue got resolved.
However after that I received error like : Unknown error occured in ML model Deployment. Any thoughts on that?

You should see some warnings before error in ML Logs, they usually have more details.
What was the name of your zip file btw? We shouldn’t fail at that step so we have a bug that we need to correct.

Actually deployment got retried for 5 tries with the following warning: Unknown error occurred during ML Skill deployment and after the final attempt it failed with the following error: Failed to create deployment.

At first my I had package name as packageName_application during which the zip error was thrown. Then I removed the underscore and changed the name to packageNameApplication after which zip error didnt occur.

PFB screenshots. Sorry for the strikings since information is confidential



@Jeremy_Tederry Any update on the above issue?