Few important notes to help you plan correctly for the migration:
- if you plan to use Edge (Chromium) UIA support, this is available starting with:
** Studio 19.10.5 and UIAutomation.Activities 19.11.3
** Studio 20.4.1 and UIAutomation.Activities 20.4.1 - If you plan to run under Edge Chromium/IE Mode, they should know that the support was added in UIAutomation.Activities 20.10.+
Thus, if you are on running 18.4.x, even if the tool is going to be able to migrate most of the selectors, the Edge Chromium support is unavailable to 18.4 Robots.
While we think we will be able to migrate most of the selectors, we won’t be able to migrate the ones starting with ‘wnd’ tag. These identify pop-ups/alerts, and they are rendered differently by IE vs Chromium based browsers. They will need to be regenerated.
Also, the selectors containing variables for the ‘app’ property of the top tag, might not be migrated.
Obviously, everything will need to thoroughly tested.