Microsoft Azure Computer Vision OCR returns incorrect 'Result' output

I am using Microsoft Azure Computer Vision OCR in a ‘Read PDF With OCR’ activity. This engine is supposed to return 2 outputs: Text (the extracted string value) and Result (the extracted words along with their on screen position).

I tried using the result variable to get the position of some specific words, but the only value I get is one key value pair, where the key is the entire pdf text and the value is ‘X=0, Y=0, Width=0, Height=0’. Any ideas why this might be?

My PDFs are scanned and I can’t provide an example as they contain sensitive information.
In the properties of the Microsoft Azure CV OCR activity I have ExtractWords set to true and UseReadAPI also set to true. I have my Azure Computer Vision ApiKey and Endpoint set to their specific values. Everything else is left as the default value.


It seems ReadPDFwithOCR activity matter. As workaround, how about using ExportPDFAsImage and LoadImage as the following? (In my environment, it works)



works perfectly, thank you!

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