MessageBox no longer work well with variables

I have an automation with several MessageBox activities (UiPath.Core.Activities.MessageBox ) with variables (strings) in the input text, and it worked well for a long while, but recently after on of the updates, when running, it’s no longer displaying the Message Box, completely as if the activity was comment out.


Please share more details like StudioX version and other details which will be helpful to recreate the scenario.

For now, check if your Antivirus software is blocking the message box. Try once by disabling the anti virus software if it works.

Thanks for your reply.
When no variables, the MessageBox works fine, so I guess it’s not the Antivirus (otherwise Antivirus would also block the MessageBox without variables).

StudioX Community Edition 2024.10.4
Packages are in the following screenshot.

Could you please share the workflow screenshot as well

Here it is:

Try storing the value into a variable and see the value coming in Locals. If it is coming as expected - Use a substring function to limit the characters and see if the message box is coming as expected. If it works fine - give the full variable without limitation. If it fails for full characters- Use substring and Increase the character limit and see where it is breaking

responseString.Substring(0, 100)


Can you try preparing this string in a variable and then pass only that variable to the message box?

Thank you for the excellent advice Sharaz !
I tried it and found out that the breaking point is a double-quote char [ " <=> Chr(34) ] which was part of a string variable (one of the compounding variables of the message).
The question is: Whereas the double-quote char was always there and it was displayed well until recently, why the latest updates caused it to be unsupported ?!


Glad that it helped you
While opening in the latest upgrade - it could have added due to some technical glitch. Not sure

Hi @Udiar

Was your update maybe also related to an upgrade from a Legacy type process to a Windows type process?

No, it was on only packages updates, and possibly version updates.

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If you still have a way to test this - does it work with the System 24.10.7?