LookUp Data Table Showing Null


I want to lookup the Value which i scrapped from website.

Assume it is “Rishi”

But in my excel all the values contains spaces ex- "Rishi "

So lookup data table is showing error because of this space. Is there any way to do…?


Hi @Rishik_Chowdary

you can “Trim” the value after Scraping and then use to write in the Excel.


Hi @suraj.setty

I have to compare the scrapped the value is present in Excel or not…!!

I was not writing any thing in excel… but excel contains spaces…!!

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Hey @Rishik_Chowdary

Just add a space at the end,

str_LookupValue + " "


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Thanks Nithin… Now It is working

marked as solution …!!

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Cool @Rishik_Chowdary :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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