I’m having this issue after upgrading orchestrator 2019 to 2022. I’m having a blank page and the header shows the tittle “Login required, redirecting…” It looks like an aunthentication problem but I don’t know how to solve it.
To address the Login required, redirecting… issue in UiPath Orchestrator after upgrading from 2019 to 2022, check your authentication settings and ensure they are correctly configured.
Hi, where can I find the aunthentication settings?
In UiPath Orchestrator, you can find the authentication settings in the Web.config file located in the Orchestrator installation directory.
In UiPath Orchestrator, you can find authentication settings in the Orchestrator Settings page, typically accessed through the Orchestrator web interface.
Orchestrator is where you manage your UiPath Robots, processes, and automations.
To configure authentication settings for Orchestrator, you need to log in to your Orchestrator instance. Go to the Orchestrator web portal in your web browser.
Click on the “Settings” menu, typically represented by a gear or cogwheel icon. Here, you’ll find various settings including user authentication, roles, and permissions.
Hi, maybe I wasn’t too clear. Is an On Premise Installation and when I’d finished the upgrading and open the browser with the url I cannot see anything, just the header “Login required, redirecting…”
Hi @KevinDS ,
Could you maybe check with the below posts which have similar issues :
Hi, do you have the solution for this yet?
I am facing the same issue, installation were done without error.
However, unable to access the orchestrator.
Hi, I’ve found a solution via UiPath Support.
At the end we have to map every connection from the application pool identity manually. Adding user an pass into every connection.
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