Localization : Internationalization

Hi there…

Welcome to the community.

Just a tip: you can either google your problem or search the forum for existing questions so that questions aren’t duplicated :slight_smile:

Here are some links you might want to peruse through to get an understanding on how to use Google translate through Uipath.

  1. https://forum.uipath.com/t/uipath-cognitive-activities-text-analysis-googletexttranslate/83225
  2. Google text translate
  3. How to translate PDF test from English to Any other language?
  4. Google translate Activity

If it’s not for commercial use then maybe you can use Google translate API for minor operations. Is it possible to access to google translate api for free? - Stack Overflow

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


PS (Disclaimer) : As it is a paid feature, repeatedly accessing the API without paying for it will yield 503 error after suspicious traffic from your IP. For testing/POC/non-commercial-limited use might be fine please make sure before you use it.