Can we convert non english language pdf file to english language pdf

Can we convert non english language pdf file to english language pdf (Language Translate with format and spacing)

I tried MultiLanguageTranslator ML package of AI center but it is helping me to convert word to word.

Please suggest


You can try GenAI activities → Translate activity here.

It seems Gen AI activities will translate text to text but I am looking to translate pdf data to English language

I am using ML package (MultiLanguageTranslator) to translate data right now but its not giving 100% accurate result

Anyone did this before ?

  1. After reading pdf text you can use google text translate activity available in UiPath Cognitive Service package for translating text into English.

For more you can refer this:
UiPath Cognitive Service Activities Tutorial - Help - UiPath Community Forum

  1. If your pdf is native pdf then you can use google document translate available on web using Ui Automation.

For more you can refer this:
Google Translate