List of All Tags in Selector

Hey guys, where can I find list of all the tags and their corresponding attributes in Selector like <ctrl>, idx, <wnd> and so on and their meanings? As I understood, there are three UI Frameworks (Default, Active Accessibility and UI Automation) which I believe have something to do with my question. An in-depth documentation is desired.

It’s UiExplorer, the place where are this resides kindly have a view in this thread for clear and precise details given by uipath

Cheers @atoi

Thanks @Palaniyappan but that wasn’t the answer to my question. I like to know where, for example, this idx comes from or what are the others? The resource you’ve sent does not cover this part.

You can get ball the attributes and it compete tree structure from uiexplorer only
Like as you were asking the idx attribute, wnd attribute everything
This uiexplorer option is there in the design tab in studio
So while choosing a element to knows all attributes that forms the node use uiexplorer and choose the element which will give us that details

Cheers @atoi

So there’s no doc for that. I’m familiar with UI Selector. I think it would be better if there was such a thorough documentation for all the syntax sugars used in the Selector. Don’t you agree? I’ve created a topic in ideas section for that purpose.

We can find the list of selectors from uiexplorer
But it’s meaning can’t be buddy
Yah may be in future like how we have accessibility to create a variable from being inside the selector editor itself

Cheers @atoi

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