Beginner with limited knowledge seeking some answers about unattended robots and utilizing licenses.
Given multiple physical machines with 1 unattended license each, I would like to know if there is any pheaseable way to have the machines only consume an unattended license while the RPA is running.
From the reading I’ve done, I got the impression that the only way to release a license is to disconnect the robot from Orchestrator.
But this would mean that Orchestrator would not be able to trigger the robot for it’s next scheduled execution without manually reconnecting the machine to Orchestrator.
Would love to know if anyone is aware of a solution to this scenario.
I thought a scheduled task in Windows that connects and disconnects the robot from Orchestrator may be a solution.
It would be simple enough to create a scheduled task that would connect the robot to orchestrator just before the scheduled automation, but I couldn’t figure out a way to detect when the automation is finished in Windows. (E.g. application event logs.)
There are too many robots/machines in the scenario to add activities in the RPA to disconnect the robot from Orchestrator at the end.
If you create a machine template it can be connected to multiple but again once a license is acquired by a robot it needs to be released by disconnecting it in some way but that does not mean it would jot reacquife it again…it would reacquire again as well…please check this…you can an orchestrator api as well to enable and disable license
I think the notes in the tech support knowledge you linked confirm that an unattended robot in system mode has to be disconnected from Orchestrator manually.
The Unattended Robot installed in system mode (which is the one that one uses for dedicated Unattended machines) logs out of Windows when the job is done, but does not disconnect from the Orchestrator (and therefore does not release the license). To release the license, shut down the machine or disconnect the Robot from or disable the license toggle
You mentioned the Orchestrator api…
Call /odata/LicensesRuntime(‘MachineName’)/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.ToggleEnabled API
Are you aware of any examples of the Orchestrator api being used in this context?
Would be great if there were some concrete examples.