License issue Enterprise trial to Community

I am new to RPA and UIPATH trying to do sample automation. I use uipath studio community edition, but my orchestrator shows Enterprise trial and its expired now!
Q1. Is it possible to have studio and orchestrator with 2 different licensings?
Q2. How can I change my orchestrator to community version?
Q3. Is it not possible to use the studio without orchestrator?

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  1. If you are looking for Community Version, then not possible
  2. There is no chance to make Enterprise Edition to Community Version, but you can reach UiPath and explain your issue, so if your request is legit then they can
  3. You can use Studio without Orchestrator, but you need license to Studio and also you can’t use Get Assets kind of activities

Mark a solution if this helps


HI @sivam
Welcome to UiPath Community

Answer : If you are using community versions (Community /Enterprise Trail)
Yes, Its possible . While your Orchestrator in Enterprise you can connect your robot assistant into it , then if you open the studio it will get your license as Enterprise License

When your disconnect your robot tray/assistant and reopen your studio , it will show as community license

Answer : Once your Enterprise Trial time period is over , it will be automatically switch into Community , and your previous default only will be remain

Q3. Is it not possible to use the [studio]
(Studio - Introduction) without orchestrator?

Answer : Its not mandatory to have orchestrator to run the studio, for community versions , you can use/develop studio without orchestrator there is no issue on it

and the Enterprise levels , UiPath offers you the Studio license only also , that will be like stand alone license key that can be register only studio without orchestrator

Hope you clear out your problems :slightly_smiling_face: