Licence Renew Issue

Not able to open UI Path Community Edition, facing licence issue.

CAn you please help me on -Licence Renew Issue

Computer Name is ****
Please help on this

Hi Uday,

Have you tried uninstall(and delete all UiPath folders from %localappdata%) and reinstall?

I have tried this one as well, but facing the same issue :frowning:

Can you paste here the Device ID?


So, you’ve had a trial for 2016.2 version. In 2017.1 version you cannot have a trial renew with a gmail address. You can only use CE(Start free/Continue free when you open Studio). Please uninstall again, delete all UiPath folders as i mentioned before and try again. It should work now.

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Thank u very much ovi, finally it is working now after 5 days.

Hi, I have followed instruction to delete licenses and all of UiPath folders but still being asked to activate.

Activation failed with error: 0
Error description: No Error
License status: Device ID already activated, trial not allowed after code activation

Device ID: YtmgC+wV8j5ElWkQdO7L
Computer: APTUS090
User Name: administrator

Please help…

i am getting error

any one help me

Hi @mohan12,

If you are using UiPath trail version use below link to renew the license.

Else please contact the support team

Arivu :slight_smile:

sill same issue


i was facing the same issue i renewed the Licence but not able to access the ui path.


I am also facing the same issue, can somebody help.

Hi Ovi, I am gain facing the licensing expiration issue, so I uninstalled UIpath and also deleted folder from %localappdata% location, and tried to reinstalled the latest version of community edition and facing licencing issue an attaching the screen print of the issue. Please help.


Ovi, please help on this