Level 3 first step issue

Hi Can anyone tell me how to achieve below things, I am trying yo complete my level 3 training .

I just understand we are using Asset value as a global variable, but how they really link with each other, i am confused

The Config dictionary is already used as input argument in the InitAllApplications.xaml workflow, so let’s change the filename path to in_Config(“UiDemoPath”).ToString. Next, we need to invoke the UiDemo_Login workflow, import the arguments, and pass the Credential from the Config dictionary, as follows: in_Config(“UiDemoCredential”).ToString.

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Welcome to uipath community
I hope there is no big change in the current exam of Level-3 so as when we did
Based on that I hope this could help you in general
Usually assets we use in that process would be a username and password that helps us to login the acme page

To take us in a good practice it was designed in such a way like the username and password rather been used directly in workflow it can be managed at some place like some access manage/restricted place like orchestrator
So that others won’t be able to make changes in it and it’s really important in a real-time business process

Being this aside we use config file along with this which is another suggestion made along asset to maintain the credentials or any text when we don’t use orchestrator

Combining these two features the asset in orchestrator storing value and thenemtion the asset name alone in config file
So that when config file is converted to a dictionary and mentioned in the GET ASSET or GET CREDENTIALS activity it’s corresponding value for the mentioned asset is obtained from orchestrator

Then to use them all around the process as you mean it stored in the MAIN XAML as a global scope variable

Now any other workflow used in our process can be called in this MAIN xaml using INVOKE WORKFLOW file activity and if that process seeks any asset value then to pass those global variable to these workflow we arguments in this invoked workflow using ARGUMENTS option With IN direction to take in the values or variables outside the present workflow
Assigning these global variables as input value to these IN arguments then can be used by those invoked workflow

For more details on how arguments work

Cheers @JSR_Techno_Talk_s

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Hi @JSR_Techno_Talk_s

Welcome to the community!!!

So, the assets in the orchestrator are linked with the uipath workflow is through the data we have in the config excel file.

Say you created an asset in the orchestrator named “Abc” and you want to use it in the workflow. So in REFramework we use the config file to hold the asset names and the reference. Why we use the config file is because, say you changed the asset name sometime. If you dont have a config file, you have to go and change the code which is not a good practice. If we have the config file, we just change the name there and everything will work perfect.

So, let’s say you want to use the ABC asset. So in the config file, you go to the asset page and you see two main columns. The name and the value.

The name column holds the reference name we use to refer to the asset inside the code. And the value column holds the actual asset name which is ABC.

So in our case, if we specify asset_abc in the name column and abc in the value column, in the code we use asset_abc to access the ABC asset and to get or set its value.

So, how we get to it is using the config dictionary as you know. There we specify

Config(“asset_abc”).ToString and this will give the value of the asset.

So what happens in the init all settings xaml file is, it uses this and gets all the values from the assets mentioned in the config file into a dictionary. The values are taken using the get asset and get credential activities and adds the data into the config dictionary.

So in the REFramework at anytime you want to refer to the value in the asset, you just specify the reference name of it and get it as I explained earlier…


@Palaniyappan well explained bro. :slight_smile:


Thanks, Bro

I am very surprised I got a prompt reply, it means i can definitely complete my certification :slight_smile:
I learn new things from your reply

Now :
Name = AssestName
Asset = UiDemoPath

In orchestrator
Asset Name = UiDemoPath Configure for a specific robot

What is write to in InitAllAplication

I write AssestName(“UiDemoPath”).tostring


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