I am getting an Activity timeout exceeded Error on this exercise.
I followed the first portion of the instructions (for email and employee number) as closely as possible.
Here is a recording of what I did. https://www.screencast.com/t/rT2Ma7Zif
Can someone let me know what I’m doing wrong that is causing the error?
(1). After you change OCR to Microsoft OCR, please click the Refresh Button (0:28)
(2). Next, Click Set mouse position and then Indicate a point and click inside the text box next to the email label. (0:22) It seem you click on the Text Label not at the Text Box next to the email label.
thanks for getting back to me @hermawan. I tried the 2 things you mentioned above but I’m still getting the same error. Updated screen recording 2019-02-27_1409
(1) .Please note that after you change the OCR Engine to Microsoft and Refresh, the Scrape Result Preview return “No text extracted from this UI Element”. (0:42).
At the Scrape Options, try to change the Scale from 1 to 2, and Refresh.
(2) 0:27, Use the Indicate on Screen and click inside the text box; use the Test Click to test it.
Note that you need to do step 1 (Change OCR Engine, Refresh and update Scale) and continue to step 2 (Click Text at the label, Indicate on Screen, Click inside the Textbox, Test Click).