Just trying to download a file from a website.... this should be easy

Hi @Coffeesnob,

That is not a good first impression of UiPath. Lets try and fix that :slight_smile:
I have a suggestion which can help you here without using Invoke PowerShell activity (until it is fixed)

Why did Invoke PowerShell not work though?

Unfortunately your dive into UiPath coincides with a recent update in UiPath Studio which has rendered Invoke Powershell useless. Read more here : UiPath Community 2022.12 Release - #41 by jeevith

You can use any one of these:

  1. Start Process - Easy to reuse what you already have
    Now to Start Process a beast of a activity in Studio. This can do a lot.

    As arguments to start process I provide a string and some string manipulation to set the path of the target file
    "Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/2832391/Marketing/Lead-Capture/free-domains-2.csv -OutFile OUTPUT".Replace("OUTPUT", Path.Join(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "free-domains-2.csv"))
    Other alternative activities

  2. HTTP Request
    You can also download files using the HTTP Request activity with a GET operation. This requires additional package from Manage Packages → Official → UiPath.WebAPI.Activities

  3. Inject Javascript
    You can use this activity to Inject a Javascript function when your browser is open. It will work just like the two above.

  4. Invoke Powershell (Which you tried already)

  5. Invoke code (you can chose Vb or c# to download files)

I have commented out the rest of the workflow. The target file will be downloaded in the project folder. Hope this helps!
SolutionDomainListPowerShell.zip (9.0 KB)