It is not matching 4924.4 with 4924.40 by considering the decimals which I want.
It is matching when both are 4924.40 but ideally 4924.4 and 4924.40 are same.
Kindly hep me with the solution for this or new approach to match these tables for the above scenario?
Either you can use the balareva activity to convert the column type to double for both the datatable.
You can create two more datatable and load the row from these datatable to newly created datatable by doing the round of that columns.
Hello @gokul1904 - I would say try rounding off the decimal values before you actually compare and join. Have a look on the below thread for how to round off the data table values
Look at your datatable’s column properties. I bet they are both string columns.
For each of your two datatables, create a new column with datatype double. Then For Each Row in Datatable through each of them and assign the double column the value of CDbl(CurrentRow(“oldcolumn”).ToString)
Now you’ll have actual numeric values in the new columns which will compare properly.