Job stopped exit code : 0xE0434352


Dear UiPath forum,

Please help me solve this problem. I was trying to merge several .csv files by read them to memory and merge to a data table. However, it always stops after 4.6 million rows already merged. Am I already meet the maximum number of Datatable rows? I need your suggestion.

Best Regars,

Hi @wahid_rochman

Check the below thread


Hi @wahid_rochman

Please check on this


the max of Datarows should be 16,777,216. Maybe a certain CSV File is causing the 0XE0434352

So we would suggest:

  • read in the CSV isolated - Read CSV Activity
  • identify the causing CSV and check the rows count
  • read in this big csv by alternates e.g. using the File.ReadXX, Buffered Streamed… options

Hi @ppr,

Thanks for the reply. How do I implement point number 3? Can you give me an example?

Does it save the read .csv value into DataTable too?

Hi @lrtetala

Thanks for the reply. I tried to implement the suggestion but the error still appeared and the job stopped.

I tried to check Windows Event Logger and it says the UiPath process is out of memory.

Hi @vrdabberu

Thanks for the reply,
I have already implemented the suggestion by reading the .csv file in smaller chunks. But, the job always stopped and got an error when it came to the merging process until met some point of row count (in my case the job stopped after reading 4.6 million rows).


Looks like the UiPath cache memory is getting full…

Why do you need to merge all together?

If you need in same cav …may be do it in chunks and write to csv and then repeat the same and append to the csv file


Hey @Anil_G ,

Thanks for your reply. I agree with you, after checking UiPath documentation there is info about the project settings.

It says the “Windows - Legacy” project runs in 32-bit, so RAM usage for the execution process is only 2GB.

Yes, I have already implemented your proposed solution. But, I think it is not a suitable solution for my process. Because in the end, I need to read the merged data and store it in memory. So, I am using a different approach that use a DB to save all merged data.

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