Jira Activities - Connection

Hi There,

I’m having a major issue with a current process -

We are using UiPath.Jira.Activities package (This is rarely updated) - but now the company has switched to PAT as the authentication type, but these activities only accept in the scopes, API/OAuth2.0 as connection methods, meaning I have to convert all of these processes to separated HTTP calls which will take some time to achieve.

I’m wondering is there a way of doing an authentication call separately with a HTTP Request - and then converting this into the JIRA connection variable type.

This connection is required to uses all of the other activities, so I cannot get this by way of the scope, unless someone has a thought of how to using “Bearer +strPAT” instead?

If not, is it possible to get a successful call, and use/convert this connection to System.Atlassian.Jira.Jira connection type, which is necessary to continue to use these.

Please Help!

Hi @Kyleb91 ,

there is no direct way to authenticate using a separate HTTP request and convert it into the JIRA connection variable type in UiPath. You will need to convert your processes to use separated HTTP calls, which may take some time to achieve. Alternatively, you can explore the option of using “Bearer + strPAT” as a workaround for authentication, if it is supported. Additionally, you can reach out to UiPath support or the UiPath community for further assistance in finding a solution.



Did you happen to try integration services if you have those in your tenant


Hi @Kyleb91 -

Try and check these services

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Thanks @ABHIMANYU_THITE1 where exactly can you locate these? Activities pane?

Hi @Kyleb91
just enter jira in a search!

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@ABHIMANYU_THITE1 Thanks man - You need to add this integration Service?

I don’t have these available, and not sure how to add to my studio :confused:

Hi @Kyleb91 - is this for Automation Suite or Automation Cloud?
Integration Service activities are currently only available for Automation Cloud users and it’s availability in Automation Suite is being actively worked on.