How to create a Jira ticket using UiPath Jira activities

Hi Team,

I got a use case where i need to create a Jira ticket (with attachments ). when i try to install packages, its not downloading getting an issue. UiPath version which I’m using is 19.10.4 version need support on this .

@DanielaD can you please have a look into it and assist me on the same
Attaching the captured screen for reference .


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please update the uipath version to 2020.then you can install jira packages.

Hi Bachali,

I tested using 19.10.4, for UiPath.Jira.Activities I got the same issue (a newer version of UiPath is needed), but UiPath.JiraSoftware.Activities is installing fine and unless you have Jira on Prem, you could use this package to create a Jira ticket.


Thanks @sangeethaneelavannan1 and @DanielaD for quick response , we have upgraded the studio version and tried using jira activities but get some authentication problem

Error : Jira Scope: Authentication information is invalid. Please check your credentials and try again.

getting the above error even though i given exact API token , server url, User Name.
do you have any idea on this how to resolve the issue of authentication

Thanks for your Kind support.


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Hi Akhil,

Please make sure that for Jira username you use the email address from Atlassian Account profile Atlassian account . Not sure if this is causing the issue, but maybe the link below is helpful for you:


Hi Daniela,
Good News!

Jira Activities were working fine now, In properties panel we need to give Jira account password in API Token property,instead of generating new API Token and passing that to properties of jira scope.

It worked for me

Many Thanks for helping.

Akhil B


Welp, I just spend an entire day looking for errors in JIRA with my team, and the problem was the one you pointed out, I entered the password instead of the token and the JIRA Scope connected!

Is there a way to give this topic to the developers so they can path that up. It obvoulsy leads to confusion!