It us about arranging status of details in an escel sheet

Read given excel contains 4 columns. member name, age, amount and status
Read excel and group all the rows with status as completed
Group all rows with status as error
Create two sheets in the same excel as error and completed
write the above group of rows to corresponding tabs and save the excel

can u please give some hints to solve this



Read the excel using Read Range Workbook
Use Filter Datatable activity

Use Another Filter Datatable activity
Write range workbook for Completion
Write range workbook for error

Thank you sir for helping me .


If this helps you mark as solution to close the loop

Hi @Anjana_R

Welcome to the community


Use the above syntax in assign activitiy
Wil give you a fast result than filter datatable activity

Hope this helps you

yes sir, i will try this and update here soon

thank you ma’am for a new method. will try this

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Hi @Anjana_R

Could you be more specific in process, I just confused to understand your query.

If you elaborate your query then we will bring you the possible solutions.