Issues with Select Item from Dropdown - Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action

Struggling to get a Select Item to work properly, When im on the webpage and I run from the Select Item activity it works and continues as normal, When I run the whole automation i get a Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action error. I have tried adding delays, Click Item doesnt work as when i click the dropdown option it selects the Pane and not the item.

Anyone got any ideas or work arounds? If it helps I have added a screenshot

Thanks for your help/time

Hi @Wakey543

Try using the check app state activity and indicate the element to be appeared for using the dropdown and then in the target appears section give the steps of the select item.

Hope it helps!!

Still the same as before, Will work that way if im on the page and run it from that step but wont work from start of the full automation.

Hi @Wakey543

When you are running from the first step of the automation is the page getting loaded and is the page being visible at the time of trying with select item activity.


Yes, it is all running and loading fine up until that point in the automation then it freezes and shows the above error after timeout.

Hi @Wakey543

Put a breakpoint at the select item activity and run the code in debug mode. Once the debug reaches the select item activity just wait for sometime and when you are able to see the page is fully loaded and the item which is needed to be selected is visible then click the step into in the debug panel and check whether that works fine or not. If that works fine then you need to add some delay.



  1. Please show the fuzzy selector…
  2. change wait for page load to complete
  3. Is window selector pointing to right window? is name of window changing when navigating in full automation?

As per error the element is not detected so please check the selector properly and its properties


Here is the fuzzy selecter and its on wait for page to load and wait for element.

Also added the screen and inspect details but I think? its pointing at the right thing.


The name says superviseduserid1…may be 1 is changing

Also window name does it contain any specific value?

Also aaname is empty…sometimes is it filled?


i tried to open that page asking to register. Is thwt website is free on how? if possible please share sample credential. will help you. If you want to know who is this please refer below mnetioned link.

Thank You

Ive places some message boxes in to help debug, For some reason once it passes through the message box “Cards Clicked” it loops back to message box “Prior Click Cards” and thats when the free happens and it cant find UI Element. So Im assuming the automation is looking in a prior page or something hence cant find UI element even though the new page is loaded its getting stuck in a loop in the For Each Row after extracting data from a table

Ive Solved the Issue, I just added a break after the click in the for each row and it has cleared the issue, Thankyou everyone for taking the time to try help me with this issue, I apprecaite it! @vrdabberu @Anil_G @Pavan_Kumar177


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