Issues with datatable getting added from previous transactions from the queue

Hi there,

I am using reframework where Get data i read the excel in array for 5 sheets in one transaction and store them in temp datatable. So under process i do a loop to process the datatable however from my previous transaction is being added into my datatable. How do i avoid this?


In Get Transaction Data, before reading new transaction data, use Activities - Clear Data Table activity to clear the temp Datatable variable.

This should resolve your issue.

Ashok :slight_smile:

@ashokkarale how abt within the loop the datatable adds previous table in it


Is that datatable youa re referring to is an in/out argument?

Before the loop you can reinistialize it by using assign dt = New Datatable


Yes the in/out argument @Anil_G. Add a new datatable am i right? Jus assign a datatable will do right?


Yes…and why do you need it in/out you came make it only in so that everytime only new tables comes up


I need it and out to go through process and workflows @Anil_G


Then why you need in there? Ifyou dont wnat old data…if that xaml is generating new data then use only out

If any xaml is using data use only in no need of in/out which passes data in and also takes the data by making updates


@Anil_G will amended it accordingly. By the way, to clear my datatable not possible as it is a datatable with dictionary. How do i do it then?


What do you mean datatable with dictionary?

if you do this in and out properly then you need not clean as it would take care of fresh data and old data


The issue is actually the excel i am using to export to .xml is being saved. After untick the save changes from the excel application scope, problem resolved

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