Issue with packages in UiPath Orchestrator - NU1101: Unable to find package


I have written a complex automation using an SAP application about 2 years ago. When I try to open the main file it gives me the following errors.

  1. NU1101: Unable to find package System.Management.Automation
    2.NU1101: Unable to find package System.componentModel.Annotations
    3.NU1102: Unable to find package UiPath.Platform with version (>=21.12.0-preview)

I can only get packages through orchestrator host. Does anyone know
how to resolve this. When I open the code I am unable to open any activities they show us like below.

You answered to yourself.

Download all the needed libraries and dependencies locally and then upload them to your Orchestrator Host tenant.

Where do I download these from? Do you know ?

In your impacted environment, are you having access to External internet?
Only through a proxy?
Or it is a completely closed environment to the external Web?

In your impacted environment, are you having access to External internet? - No
Only through a proxy? - No
Or it is a completely closed environment to the external Web? - Yes. This is how it is. If I know where to download it from I can tell the orchestrator admin to get it for me. -> System.Management.Automation> System.componentModel.Annotations -> UiPath.Platform

Provide him also the package versions.
Also, it may be that these are not the only ones missing libraries from the project. You will check after adding these missing libraries to your Host tenant.

This is another way to install a library/nupkg file from external sources in a PowerShell console (only the nupkg file without its dependencies):

Install-Package -Name UiPath.Excel.Activities -RequiredVersion 2.12.3 -Source -Destination "C:\YOUR_FOLDER_NAME" –SkipDependencies
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Hi Marian.

So when I try to copy paste the links on my personal laptop with internet access it just shows some xml format. I don’t see any packages to download. Is there something I am missing?

Provide a screenshot.

This is expected.

Install a package by opening PowerShell.exe and run the below script:

Install-Package -Name UiPath.Excel.Activities -RequiredVersion 2.12.3 -Source -Destination "C:\YOUR_FOLDER_NAME" –SkipDependencies
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Thankyou. I am able to get it now.

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