Package problems on ML and documet understanding

Hello friens,

I have a problem: i have a code that works fine last week, since the packages i used for this UiPath script have some packages with version higher than the one of the orchestrator, i have just copied tha pakage containing the “nugets” in the virtual machine in which the rebot will run, but when opening the script i gad the following error:

tha pakage setting is:

what could give this error ?

Hi @abdel
In Dependencies right click on one dependency and select Repair dependency. It works.


hi lrtetala,

i did it but it did not work :frowning: !

also when i opened onother script in the same machine i have the folowing error:

Hi @abdel

In the settings on Manage packages, can you enable Official and and then try.

Restart your studio if required, then give it a try gain, also repairing also works.



First please enable the official package from the pckages …and then try to repair

Alternately you can add this feed as well and try


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