Issue With Outlook Email Data Scraping

Hello, I followed along with this video Extract Outlook Table Data to Excel UiPath | Email Automation UiPath - YouTube. I currently have a test sample size with three emails in it. When I run the file sometimes only two emails export to the excel sheet & other times its just one. Attached are my screen shots. Any help would be appreciated!


For the workflow I believe you have the record sequence outside the loop ideally it should be inside the loop and after start process


I believe that was just a screen shot error, would you mind taking a look at the edited photos?


Recorded sequence should be present inside the for loop



Thanks, that seemed to narrow things down.

Now I am just getting data extracted for one email. Any idea how to get data extracted for them all?


Please check emailfiles.count using a log message to know how many emails are retrieved


Thank you that seemed to resolve my issues there.

I am also trying to extract the data without the headers but do not see the option in the properties. Any ideas?


Any specific reason?

or is the header included as first row and you want to remove?

if yes then use assign with dt = dt.AsEnumerable.Skip(1).CopyToDataTable


Yes the header is included as the first row and I want to remove it.

Where would I use this assign?

“if yes then use assign with dt = dt.AsEnumerable.Skip(1).CopyToDataTable”


After extract data just use this in an assign activity this will remove the first row

or use remove data row activity and pass the index as 0


Perfect that worked. Thank you so much.

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Happy Automation


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