Issue with Extracting Data from Data Grid View of windows app

I am trying to extract a data from Windows Application but it is not extracting the any methods.

Is there any other way to extract the data from datagrid view.


Is that BO(business objects) application you are trying to automate.

what error you are receiving when you are try to extract data from the application. what activity you are using to extract the data.


Yes, BO application and I used data scraping ,get text and image click but it doesn’t get any row in table.There is no available selector and also I cant use image click.

Hi @ceyda_eren ,

In one of our process we are automating BO by clicking one row in a table look like in the screen you shared. we are able to perform this operation by using click activity with dynamic selectors. is that the screen you shared is a generic screen in BO or it is related to specific report. if it is generic BO screen let me know i will try at my end.


This is not a table .We cant select a single row with a click, only the entire page.

oh ok got it. in this case could you please try with the ui explorer and find out any specific selector for your desired option in the screen. that is the only way i could see. thanks.
