Issue on the excel

Hi everyone, i have observed my header on my excel inputs (example: name, address,telephone) are on the row. Is there anyway to put in as column?

Example row ABC to become column ABC.


Please put the sample input sample and output

Hi @James_Yakupt

Your query is quite confusing could you be more specific. If possible share us the Input and expected output file.


I have just attached the screenshot.

Hi @James_Yakupt

→ You can use the Copy\Paste range activity
→ Give the range in the Source where you want to copy the data and give the range in the destination where you want to paste the data.
→ In the what to copy field Select the All option in the first dropdown and select the Include header.
→ Check the Transpose value to make the rows as headers and headers as rows, It will transpose the data.

Check the below image for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!

Hi Mkankatala

The screenshot is from UiPath or require to do from excel

Hi @James_Yakupt

IInstall the dependency
UiPath.Excel.Activities from Manage Packages

The above screenshot is from the UiPath studio only. That was the activity screenshot.

→ Use the Excel process scope activity inside of it insert the Use excel file activity and give the path of the excel file.
→ Inside use excel file activity insert the copy/paste range activity and do what I said at the above post.

If you need any additional inputs, happy to help here… @James_Yakupt

Hope you understand!!

Hi Mahesh

Base on my UiPath, i do not have tje excel processing. Appreciate it if you could guide me.


Install UiPath.Excel.Activities package from package manager to get this activity and work on excel files.

Ashok :slight_smile:



You are using the Classic activities, enable the modern activites then you can find the activities I mentioned above.

Steps to enable modern activities,
→ Go to Activities panel → Click on Filter option → Check the Modern option

Then you can find those activites in Activites panel.

Hope it helps!!