I am bit new to this process. I have tried to follow up tutorial available on Best UiPath And ChatGPT Integration Method | Use Case 2023
I have followed all steps as were described. But when I am trying to add Assign activity for variable “Str_Json_Input” with value written below it is throwing error:
" + “\n” +
@”““model””: “”“”,
" + “\n” +
@“”“prompt”“: ““Q: " + strQuestion + @”?\nA:””,
" + “\n” +
@“”“temperature”“: 0,
" + “\n” +
@”““max_tokens””: 1000,
" + “\n” +
@“”“top_p”“: 1,
" + “\n” +
@”““frequency_penalty””: 0.0,
" + “\n” +
@“”“presence_penalty”“: 0.0,
" + “\n” +
@”““stop”” :“”\n""
" + “\n” +
Can any one help in this, or share ChatGPT code to use API that can run in UiPath Studio ? I have spent hours, but cannot resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help and support.