Chat GPT integration

I am trying to integrate Chat GPT and UiPath. i am not getting any output in the chat GPT activity. I have read a text file and hardcoded the questions in the chatgpt. but im not getting any output. can anyone help me find the error

HI @Amruta_George3 ,

What is the blocker/error ?

If you see the output panel there is no output for the chat gpt activity which is ResponseList. but there is output for read text

Ensure that the API key and endpoint you provided are accurate. Incorrect credentials can lead to a lack of response.

But there is no option for API or end point

Is this the correct method to do it

I Ma not sure is the correct method or not but I tried this I also Integrate the Chat GPT i got the expected result please check the below screen capture and link follow that video you can able to get the output.

let me know if you are facing any issues I will help You


According to the post, AskGPT has been deprecated since September 25, 2023, and you’ll need to switch to Extract Document Data Activity instead

Please check below link
Ask GPT activity in Marketplace - DEPRECATION - News / Product News - UiPath Community Forum

you can use http request for ChatGPT integration.