Issue in bot suspension during human validation in the action center

The bot is unable to suspend at ‘wait for validation and resume’ activity while running from both the studio and the orchestrator. However, the process was running fine previously before the studio upgrade from 22.10 to 23.4. This upgrade automatically repaired the dependencies and upgraded the packages to the latest version available.


Since then, the bot has been getting stuck at ‘wait for validation and resume’ activity
-has no resume button in the studio and doesn’t get suspended in unattended mode too
-No error message thrown
-Have to manually stop the bot each time.
-Have tried upgrading and downgrading DocumentUnderstanding.MLActivities to versions 1.21.1,1.21.2 and older, but no luck.
-The action is created in the action center and moves to completed after validating but the process gets stuck in the ‘wait for validation and resume’ activity and stays in the running state forever.

Any help or suggestions to resolve the issue is much appreciated.

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Hi @Varsha_BP, welcome to the Community.

Could you please verify whether any project settings, anything regarding persistence support, have changed due to the upgrade?

Best Regards.

Hi, Thank you @arjunshenoy
Persistence settings are rightly configured, I have cross-checked the same.

Could you try restarting your Action center Service.
