Is UI explorer available in studio X community version?

HI everyone.

Is UI explorer available in StudioX community version?
I can’t find it. Button is not in my ribbon and when I have a click activity I cant access it when i click on the three line button like other people seem to can.

I need it to work with dynamic selector but I can’t find it

Please help. I am new, I need it

Hi @goropopovic

After you indicate the required target using the Click Activity. Go to the properties panel of the Click Activity and under Target you can see the selectors where you can edit and make the selectors dynamic.

Once you click on the Strict Selector at the marked place a pop up will open, where you can see the option Open in UI Explorer. Click on that and make your selectors dynamic.




If it isn’t available, you can use it as a standalone tool also.

Refer this thread.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the community

In studioX ribbon menu you would not see ui explorer

Only way to access it is to drag any ui activity and indicate an element and then open properties panel → expand target → open any kind of selector → from there click on open ui explorer to open it

Hope this helps


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That’s it! I found it!
Thank you guys!

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