Is this possible in UI path?

Hi! I have to scrape data from a website based on a certain date
Data is going to change every time I search for a different date
some times there will be multiple pages to grab data from and sometimes there will be only a single page with few rows
Only the headers are going to be static(They will remain the same)
If possible can you please tell me how should I approach this?

Hi @Sami_Rajput

Yes, You able to scrap the data. Can you share the screenshot of the website

You can try with Data scrapping tool


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HI @Sami_Rajput

You can try with data scrapping method it will run dynamically


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Data on a single page

Data spanning multiple pages


Do you face any issue while using Data scrapping

I haven’t tried it yet…
But hopefully there will be no issues
ill let you know if you encounter some

Let us know. If you face any issue @Sami_Rajput

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