Is Match activity does not work as expected. I just used simple pattern [a-z] when i given Max1234 in the input dialog then also boolean values becomes true. Could you please check and let me know if i am wrong.
What are you trying to achieve using ISMatch activity?
Your expression is [a-z] and your string is Max1234 and your expression matches with the string because your string has characters from a-z and A-Z and thats y it returns true
Hi @anil5 I want the result to be returned as true only if the pattern matches exactly but why the activity returns true value if the pattern matched is not correct. I want to use this activity for some validation purpose
Thank you but it also contains number so it is not matching with exact pattern. If we use this regex in it will match with only alphabets.
Initially i used this regex “^([a-z_.]){5,10}$” for some validation but it does not work. Is match activity returns true even if the character length is more than 10 which is not correct.
Hi @anil5 Thank you. I have used it and it is giving expected result but wondering why the same is not working using is match activity as it is useful to implement regex directly.
Thank you. It is working but really don’t understand how this activity works with your regex pattern as it is not working for the simple pattern [a-z] which is more than enough to accept only alphabets. Is there any bug in this activity or do i need to know any additional information? Also the properties appears in my uipath like the below one
hi @anil5 Yes, I understand your pattern and Initially I gave my pattern like this “/^([a-z])$/” but it did not work so i gave simply as [a-z]. I am giving in ismatch activity only after testing the pattern in the regex101 site. My only concern it is not working all the time. For example there is nothing wrong in this pattern ^([a-z_]){5,10}$ but if i use this pattern in the Ismatch activity it returns true if it is more than 10 characters also. Could you please try this pattern and check if it is working?
Thank you but really it was not working previously and not sure where it was wrong as i checked it multiple times in regex101 before using in ismatch activity. I will check again with different patterns and come back to you. Thank you anil for looking into this. Do you know what it meas “Compiled” in the property?