Is it reliable to automate the process of making online payments using credit cards using UiPath

Is it reliable to automate the process of making online payments using credit cards using UiPath.
If yes, please provide the pre-requisites to be followed during the automation.

Thanks in advance.

This is possible, and here are some prerequisites:

  1. Use the REFramework to better handle errors which may occur due to latency or website changes.

  2. Create a test environment for to test your process. This prevents developers from accidentally submitting unintended payments during development. This would have to be done outside of the scope of UiPath development and is an Infrastructure project.

  3. Make sure that the process accounts for as many reasonable exceptions as possible. Things that happen from time to time based on your test findings, but not so mucth that you try to account for 100% of possible cases. The latter can make your code much more difficult to debug if a change is needed.


Also if there is an OTP authentication required during the payment gateway, How can we obtain the OTP (if it is sent as SMS)
Could you please let us know how can we handle and automate this task.

Were you able to find the solution for handling the OTP for transactions using UiPath?
Can you please share the solution details?

Your help is indeed appreciated.

  • Komal

If OTP passcodes are being sent to a phone, there is not a UiPath solution. However, if the passcodes are sent to a google phone, you can access your texts on a Windows PC, and it may be possible to include it in automation. However, it will take steps involving logging into your gmail account and accessing your text messages.