Is it possible to make a loop who will never stop, and when something change in the process it will clik on a button ? plz
Yes it is. There are multiple ways to achieve this:
1. Use a while loop
When using a while loop - be sure to set the right exit condition to break out of the robot else it will keep going on until you kill the robot forcefully.
2. Use a flowchart
Set the path such that it creates an infinite loop. Also here code some way to close the application gracefully.
what i want is Ă loop, it will run and if someting change it will change something to.
For example :
In skype : If the light is green the robot still running if the light is yellow the robot change the “statut” on green
Yes you are able to achieve that using an infinite loop. How to detect the “yellow light” in the most reliable way is for you to figure out. Examine the UI Explorer and Computer Vision to find something that is reliable.
- Use Image Exists activity with image of “green status’s avata”, and store result to a boolean variable - e.g. blOnline
- While blOnline is True
… //Do Anything you want
. Use Image Exists activity with image of “green status’s avata” again,and store result to blOnline variable to update online status
It works thank you, but the process still continue to click even when the light is green
Try Do While Activity and perform you verification on condition.
can you send me a picture plz ?
Edit the Image Exist activity to increase Accuracy to 0.95 or 1
i changed the Accuracy to 0.95, 0,96, 0,97 and 1
The result was nothing happened when the yellow light appears or it still clicking on the button
Is there not a text UI element indicating your status? For example “Away”? If there is then it would be easier and better to use that instead. You could use the Get Text activity to get your status as text. Just indicate the right UI Element.
So with “Get text” i can indicate if the text change so the condition can run ?
Correct. Just make sure you select the UI Element that contains the text.
how can i indicate on the condition : If the text is different than “Get text” so the process can run plz ?
- Use the Get Text activity to output the text to a
variable. - Use the If activity to see if the text matches “Away” (in your Skype interface’s language)
- If so, set status to Online using the Click activity
Thank yu !
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