there’s no error, but in the output, I’m getting incident id, but instead i need to create incident with incident number and attachment… what activity should we use for that…?
My automation is to create incidents from an excel… It has all the details… how could I implement it with integration service?
With ServiceNow UI getting change as a permanent solution, wanted to use integration service for that
Are you creating this activity in Studio Web or Studio Desktop?
If Studio Desktop, do you mind providing the version of the Product as well as the Activity Package?
Here you can see I get incident id as output, are there any activities with intergration service which can create incident number with attachment… In this activity properties i can’t see anything
Although there isn’t a Create Incident with Attachment activity, a workaround that could possibly work is using the Create New Incident activity, saving the variable, and then calling that variable in the Add Attachment activity.
In the screenshot I’m calling the variable from the Create Incident activity in the Add Attachment activity.