Integrated Outsystems with UIpath - How do we get input/output from it


We have done PDF automation in UiPath, where the input pdf is coming from Outsystems application as front end, how do we get it in our UiPath and we also need to send back the extracted results in our UiPath as excel as output to Outsystems.

Can anybody help on this.



  1. make a api call to you Outsystem application.
    When a request is received, download the PDF from the OutSystems application. You can use the HTTP Request activity to download the file.

  2. for extraction of details Use activities like “Read PDF Text,” “Get Text,” or other PDF-related activities

  3. Set up another API or method in your OutSystems application to receive the results. This endpoint should be capable of accepting data in a format that UiPath can provide, such as JSON or a file upload.