Installing the Orchestrator


We have 3 machines, robot studio and the orchestrator.

I’m looking the install guides, luckily they are too complex. I have many questions;

  1. Do we need SQL Server? Before i used It was usefull to me. If i don’t need it how can i pass that in the install?
  2. I made the IIS configs. Can you explain to me exactly what happens with IIS in the orchestrator.
  3. SSL Certificate. There are several methods for it. What do you suggest about it? What will happen when we get to this certificate?
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@ercanebiler is cloud community Orchestrator and for this we won’t set up any SQL server in our place. Uipath set up everything there side.

I request you to go through Infrastructure training to get to know all those things.

I guess it might help you.

Yeah I checked that as i said. I’m asking these questions after the read.

Yes, you need it for sure, it will store the logs and all the other info also in the SQL server, as UiPath is a .Net application and sql server is also related to microsoft, they preferred SQL server I guess. You don’t need to bother, as you are using .Net framework already, most of the companies will also acquire SQL server license also.Check that :slight_smile:

IIS is a server which is located in our machine. It will be there in every machine (based on the configs). It will run web applications when we deploy them in IIS similar to the one which we run while running the ANGULAR applications from Visual Studio Code or the MVC WEB API from Visual Studio. (we will get the URL as localhost). So, similarly, when we install Orchestrator, it will deploy a Web application as HTTPS (which is secured and requires a client certificate) that will run until you shut down the machine and restarts when you start

Thats based on your requirement. If you are the only one using this, you can use self signed certificate as well.


These are the answers. Thanks!

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